For most couples, sexual intimacy can be a vital part of a romantic relationship. So what happens when a man is starting to experience a breakdown on the erection front? Dealing with the plethora of issues that he might be experiencing—from physical to emotional—your man might seek medical attention to help him with the wide range of issues he might be dealing with so that he may restore proper function. But, what about the woman? How does erectile dysfunction affect her?

The distress of not being able to stay in control compounded by the embarrassment he might feel in not being able to perform will definitely take a toll your relationship no matter which way you slice it. The physical and emotional intimacy that sex provides is not to be taken for granted, so if your man is struggling with his erection, lend a hand (metaphorically speaking) and get that conversation going.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is basically the inability to become erect or sustain an erection long enough for sex. This health concern affects the woman involved as her sex life is being shifted off course, and while the dysfunction is happening in someone else’s body, the symptoms are trickling into her life as well.

How can you help your man?

As the woman on the other end of erectile dysfunction, it is important to get your man to talk about it. Having an open discussion about your sex life will establish trust and open the lines of communication. A lot of the time, the man won’t want to broach the topic on his own, so you might have to take the initiative and get that conversation going. If you find you’ve tried, but to no avail, or you don’t feel comfortable bringing it up unmediated, then try seeking the counsel of a sex therapist. A sex therapist will try to hone in on the source of the issue and find active ways, as well as potential treatments, that are fitting for the case at hand.

It’s not just physical

Most of the time, when it comes to erectile dysfunction, there is a combination of both physical and emotional issues blocking the natural flow of things. In most instances, physical and psychological issues work in tandem, because even if the issue is solely physical, it isn’t long before the man starts to anticipate his inability to perform, and then like a self-fulfilling prophecy, the erection is impossible to achieve or maintain. The connection between the mind and body is certainly there, and when it comes to sexual malfunction, a holistic approach is the most effective way to treat the problem.

Perhaps your man would be more likely to meet with a doctor to learn about all of the available treatments out there. If he hasn’t sought medical advice on his own, then take your sex life into your own hands and book that appointment for the two of you. The support of a partner can see positive effects that will trickle into the relationship. Knowing he can lean on you for help, trust you to help him take action, and feel like you are in this together, are all simple advantages to taking your partner’s health concerns seriously and helping him get the medical attention he most likely needs.

Dr. Steinberg

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