The ELNA Sexual Wellness clinic was created with one vision in mind: to provide a safe space for people to restore and enhance their sexual health. What does that mean?

Sexual wellness includes a wide spectrum of topics ranging from physiological health to psychological wellness. At times an issue might take on a physiological manifestation when in fact the cause lies in an unhealthy thought process. Or, sometimes the opposite is true: the mind is stressed or anxious and so your body responds by malfunctioning. Most often, when it comes to matters of sexual health, the root of any issue is a healthy dose of both body and mind. By taking a holistic approach to our patient’s overall well-being, we are able to best assess what the core of the issue is and from there provide a better and more precise targeted treatment program.

Sexual wellness is open communication. Sexual wellness is maintaining healthy function over your body parts. Sexual wellness is understanding yourself, your limits, what feels good and right, and what feels comfortable. Sexual wellness is a vital aspect of your life.

First and foremost, establishing open and honest communication with your partner is fundamental in establishing a sexual relationship that works on a highly functional level. Before you can explore a frank dialogue with your partner about intimate matters, it is important that you take the first step in taking the conversation inward through self-exploration and self-reflection. By building a strong sense of what a healthy sex life looks like to you, you will better be able to articulate that to your partner.

Sexual wellness is open communication

Counselling is instrumental in getting the ball rolling. Whether you have an issue on your mind or if you’re curious about what is “right,” “normal,” or “common” when it comes to sex, a sex therapist can help unpack any ideas or misconceptions you might currently be holding that are hindering you from a healthy sex life. The notion that there is an established set of rules as to what is considered “normal,” for example is something that a counsellor can help you think about; sexuality is a highly cultured and socialized topic, and so by having an impartial expert with whom to discuss matters, is a healthy place to start. By exploring notions that keep you bound in thoughts and feelings that might not belong to you, you can free yourself of conventions and rules that aren’t yours. All of this is done with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.

Sexual wellness is maintaining healthy function over your body parts

Our mission is to restore and/or enhance your sexual wellness. We have a multidisciplinary approach to treating men and women on their sexual health; with every issue that is brought forth, there is opportunity to build a multi-layered treatment plan that integrates all parts of the being both body and mind. Urology plays a strong role in sexual wellness in treating anything from erectile dysfunction and painful intercourse to low sex desire (or low libido) and incontinence. With cutting-edge treatments and technologies, we treat with oral or topical medications, non-invasive procedures, counselling, and more. It’s all about finding the right fit for you and making sure you feel the most at ease with whichever program we decide to proceed with.

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Sexual wellness is understanding yourself

ELNA Sexual Wellness holds no judgment. Our patient-doctor confidentiality is set in place so that you feel comfortable diving deep into your thoughts so we can best understand where you are coming from. Our discretion and confidentiality is our promise. The safer you feel, the more chance we have of restoring your sexual wellness.

A healthy intimate relationship is something we strive to achieve when working with individuals seeking to improve or restore full function of their physical body and mind when it comes to sexual matters. There are far too many people living with anything from discomfort to embarrassment, but it shouldn’t have to be that way. That’s why we created the ELNA Sexual Wellness clinic—to offer a holistic approach to treating your sexual wellness, because #sexmatters.

-The ELNA Sexual Wellness team

We want YOU to FEEL your very BEST